HITV - Innkalling til ekstraordinær generalforsamling | Company news | 2025-02-11 14:49:13 |
Styret i HitecVision har vedtatt å innkalle til ekstraordinær generalforsamling den 19. februar 2025 for å fremme forslag om utdeling av et tilleggsutbytte på NOK 149 841 812,20, tilsvarende NOK 7,90 pr. aksje. |
http://www.hitecvision.com Innkalling e.o. gf 19. februar 2025.pdf |
Klager på Statsforvalterens nei til landbasert-satsing | Company news | 2025-02-11 08:50:16 |
Klager på Statsforvalterens nei til landbasert-satsing
Helgeland Miljøfisks planer om landbasert oppdrett på Toftøya står fast, selv om Statsforvalteren i Nordland har avslått søknaden om å gi tillatelse. Mandag varslet Statsforvalteren i Nordland at de avslår søknaden om tillatelse etter forurensingsloven til landbasert oppdrett på Toftøya utenfor Brønnøysund. Søknaden har ligget på Statsforvalterens bord i nesten tre år. - Det er skuffende å få et avslag på noe vi har jobbet så mye med, og lagt ned så mye arbeid i. Avslaget fremstår også uforståelig gitt de signalene vi har fått underveis. For ett års tid siden fikk skriftlig beskjed fra Statsforvalteren i Nordland om at de skrev på en tillatelse, sier administrerende direktør Sten Roald Lorentzen i Helgeland Miljøfisk. Skal svare ut Statsforvalterens nei til landbasert-satsinga kommer kun få uker etter at Mattilsynet sa nei til storsatsingen på landbasert oppdrett på Toftøya på Helgeland, hvor planen er å produsere inntil 40.000 tonn fikk i året, og skape mellom 100 og 300 arbeidsplasser. Helgeland Miljøfisk sendte før helga inn klage til Mattilsynet på deres avslag. - Vi mener vi har svart ut alt Mattilsynet har lagt til grunn for avslaget. Nå går vi i gang med samme øvelse overfor Statsforvalteren. Det er viktig å understreke at planene våre om et landbasert anlegg på Toftøya står fast, selv om ting tar lenger tid enn vi hadde håpet og trodd, sier Lorentzen. Skal få det til For at Nordland fylkeskommune skal kunne utstede en tillatelse til landbasert oppdrett på Toftøya, må både Mattilsynet og Statsforvalteren ha gitt tillatelse. Sten Roald Lorentzen er helt klar på at man skal dit. - Prosjektet er stort og viktig for mange, ikke minst for Brønnøy-samfunnet og for Helgeland. Jeg er helt sikker på at vi sammen skal få til dette, sier administrerende direktør Sten Roald Lorentzen i Helgeland Miljøfisk.
Fakta: Helgeland Miljøfisk er eid av Aquaculture Innovation, som igjen er eid av Torghatten Aqua. Selskapene har hovedkontor på Toft i Brønnøysund.
Kontaktinformasjon: Administrerende direktør i Helgeland Miljøfisk og Aquaculture Innovation: Sten Roald Lorentzen.sten.lorentzen@aquacultureinnovation.no Tlf.: 911 99 321. Direktør for investorkontakt og kommunikasjon i Torghatten Aqua: Stig Tore Laugen, stig.tore.laugen@torghattenaqua.no Tlf.: 916 00 217. |
CondAlign Application Form | Company news | 2025-02-10 10:14:44 |
Reference is made to the previous announcements by CondAlign AS ("CondAlign" or the "Company") regarding the potential capital raise.
The application period for the convertible loan commenced on 10 February 2025 at 09:00 (CET) and last until 17:00 (CET) on 17 February 2025 (subject to extension). The convertible loan will only be directed at existing shareholders and certain other investors in reliance on applicable prospectus exemptions.
The convertible loan can be converted into units of shares in the existing share classes of preference shares and ordinary shares at a conversion price of NOK 8 per unit. Each unit includes 1 preference share and 50 ordinary shares. The convertible loan will be contingent upon approval by an extraordinary general meeting of the Company.
Attached, please find the application form for convertible loan.
For more information, please contact: Harald Wahl Breivik CEO CondAlign AS Tel: +47 976 33 815 harald.breivik@condalign.no |
2025-02-07 CondAlign - Application Form Convertible Loan (Wiersholm)_Final.pdf |
CondAlign Company update and potential capital raise | Company news | 2025-02-07 15:19:07 |
Reference is made to the previous announcements by CondAlign AS ("CondAlign" or the "Company") regarding its ongoing strategic processes and financial situation, including the announcement on 21 June 2024 regarding the issuance of preference shares to raise short-term liquidity and the announcement on 11 November 2024 regarding the issuance of a convertible loan.
CondAlign experience strong traction in the market for its high-value and unique products. A significant number of well-known international companies are in the mid of or have finalized the design-in process with CondAligns products. As a result of this CondAlign have received several requests for proposal for high volume delivery, and the number of requests are expected to grow strongly going forward.
As previously communicated, the Company and its board are in the process of identifying strategic alternatives for the Company. These processes are progressing well, and it may involve a sale of assets or shares in CondAlign. While the market traction is strong and the strategic discussions are positive, the Company needs to secure funding to finance the current business and these strategic discussions.
With this background the Company has resolved to explore a potential capital raise through the issuance of a convertible loan to raise gross proceeds of minimum NOK 9 million and maximum NOK 15 million. If the minimum proceeds are raised the Company expects the current cash runway to be extended to May 2025, which is expected to give ample time to continue but not necessarily conclude the ongoing strategic process.
The application period for the convertible loan is expected to commence on 10 February 2025 at 09:00 (CET) and last until 17:00 (CET) on 17 February 2025 (subject to extension). The convertible loan will only be directed at existing shareholders and certain other investors in reliance on applicable prospectus exemptions.
The convertible loan can be converted into units of shares in the existing share classes of preference shares and ordinary shares at a conversion price of NOK 8 per unit. Each unit includes 1 preference share and 50 ordinary shares.
The convertible loan will be contingent upon approval by an extraordinary general meeting of the Company. The Company will revert with further information about the convertible loan after expiry of the application period.
For more information, please contact: Harald Wahl Breivik CEO CondAlign AS Tel: +47 976 33 815 harald.breivik@condalign.no
About CondAlign: CondAlign is a Norwegian deep tech company that develop, manufacture, and sell groundbreaking anisotropic conductive films (electrical and thermal) for the electronics and automotive industry to connect electronics and/or transferring heat. CondAlign is registered at Euronext NOTC. |
https://www.condalign.no/ |
00Nation AS Announces Strong Market Performance and Strategic Growth Initiatives - February 6th Update | Company news | 2025-02-06 18:47:18 |
We are pleased to report continued progress and strong momentum as the company executes its strategic vision. 2024 was a challenging year as we looked for strength in different operational sectors, which required some pivots, prioritisations, and some cutting of operations.
With a focus on innovation, market expansion, and operational strength, 00Nation AS remains well-positioned for sustainable growth. The latest developments highlight the company's commitment to delivering value to shareholders while strengthening its position in the media, sports, and entertainment industry.
Further details on the companys performance and future outlook are provided in the attached update, and deeper financial reporting will be forthcoming.
For further information, please contact: David Williams, Head of Business Affairs dw@00nation.com |
THE NATION NOTC 06 Feb 2025 Update_compressed (1).pdf |
GIGNO: Notice of Results, Investor Presentation and Investor Conference Participation | Company news | 2025-02-06 08:02:07 |
6 February 2025
GiG Software Plc (GiG or the Company)
Notice of Results, Investor Presentation and Investor Conference Participation
GiG Software Plc (First North: GiG SDB), a leading B2B iGaming technology company, will announce its fourth quarter and year ended 31 December 2024 financial results on Thursday, 27 February 2025.
Investor Presentation
Richard Carter, Chief Executive Officer, and Phil Richards, Chief Financial Officer, will provide a presentation and Q&A for investors via the Investor Meet Company (IMC) platform on Thursday, 27 February 2025 at 10.00 a.m. CET / 9.00 a.m. GMT.
The IMC presentation is open to all existing and potential shareholders. Questions can be submitted pre-event via your IMC dashboard up until 10.00 a.m. CET / 9.00 a.m. GMT the day before, or at any time during the live presentation.
Investors can register for the presentation via the following link: https://www.investormeetcompany.com/gig-software-plc/register-investor
Investors who already follow GiG on the IMC platform will automatically be invited.
Investor Conference Participation
GiG also announces that Richard Carter and Phil Richards will provide a presentation and Q&A for investors at Redeye's iGaming investor event taking place in Stockholm from 10.00 a.m. CET to 12.00 p.m. CET on 4 March 2025. The presentation and Q&A will be open to all investors and broadcast live via Redeyes website.
To find out more about Redeyes iGaming event, including details on how to register, visit: https://www.redeye.se/events/1069380/redeye-theme-igaming?tab=abouttheevent.
For further information, please contact:
GiG Software PLC Richard Carter, Chief Executive Officer Phil Richards, Chief Financial Officer via Vigo Consulting / ir@gig.com
Vigo Consulting (Investor Relations) Jeremy Garcia / Kendall Hill / Peter Jacob GiG@vigoconsulting.com Tel: +44 (0) 20 7390 0230
About GiG Software Plc
GiG Software is a leading B2B iGaming technology company that provides premium solutions, products, and services to iGaming operators worldwide, fully compliant with regulatory requirements. GiGs proprietary technology empowers our partners by delivering dynamic, data-driven, and scalable iGaming solutions that drive user engagement, optimise performance, and propel sustainable growth in the ever-evolving digital landscape. GiGs vision is to be the pioneering force in the iGaming industry, transforming digital gaming experiences through innovation and technology that inspire and engage players worldwide.
GiG operates out of Malta and is listed on the Nasdaq First North Premier Growth Market in Stockholm, Sweden, under the ticker GiG SDB.
Find out more at www.gig.com.
Follow us on social media:
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/gig-gaming-innovation-group/ X: https://twitter.com/GIG_online/ |
https://www.gig.com/ GiG - Notice of Q4 Results and Investor Presentation_vFinal.pdf |
JACK - EGM Notice - Jacktel AS - 18.02.2025 | Company news | 2025-02-04 10:53:22 |
The Board of Directors of Jacktel AS hereby calls for an extraordinary general meeting of shareholders to be held 18 February 2025 at 14:00 (CET).
Please see attached EGM notice. |
EGM notice - Jacktel AS - 4 February 2025.pdf |
Fjerning av aksje: The Containership Company ASA (TCCO) | Corporate actions | 2025-01-31 16:52:12 |
The Containership Company ASA (ISIN:NO0010566367, ticker TCCO) er fjernet fra handelsstøttesystemet |
Aprila Bank ASA: Invitation to presentation of Q4 2024 | Company news | 2025-01-31 13:01:00 |
Aprila Bank ASA reports the interim results for the fourth quarter of 2024 on 14 February 2025. A presentation will be broadcasted live at 10:00 CET. Please register your attendance using the link below.
The presentation will be followed by a Q&A session. Questions can be submitted in the webcast chat during the presentation and the Q&A session.
A recording of the presentation will be made available on aprila.no/investor-relations.
Date: 14 February 2025 Time: 10:00 CET Registration link: https://www.aprila.no/content/investor-relations/register
The Q4 24 interim report and presentation will be available on aprila.no/investor-relations prior to the broadcast at 10:00.
Contact person at Aprila Bank ASA: Kjetil Barli, Acting CEO +47 908 42 016 kjetil@aprila.no |
PROTOKOLL FRA ORDINÆR GENERALFORSAMLING | Company news | 2025-01-30 17:58:14 |
ABBH AS avholdt årets ordinære generalforsamling 30. januar 2025 kl. 15.00.
Protokoll fra generalforsamlingen inkludert oversikt over deltagende aksjonærer er tilgjengelig via investor.budstikka.no. |
Torghatten Aqua-eier Nova Sea får ny storeier | Company news | 2025-01-30 12:50:04 |
Verdens største produsent av atlantisk laks, Mowi, har økt eierskapet sitt i Nova Sea fra 49 til 95 prosent gjennom en kjøpsavtale med Vigner Olaisen.
Nova Sea er nest største eier i Torghatten Aqua, med 33,34 prosent av aksjene. Styreleder Frode Blakstad i Torghatten Aqua gratulerer Mowi og Vigner Olaisen med transaksjonen, og gleder seg til å få Mowi inn på eiersiden. -Vi gratulerer Olaisen-familien og Mowi med en svært spennende transaksjon. At verdens største oppdretter av atlantisk laks kjøper Nova Sea viser hvor utrolig dyktige Olaisen-familien og de ansatte har vært, og hvor attraktivt Helgeland er for havbruk, sier Blakstad. -Mowi er en særdeles profesjonell aktør, som vi kjenner godt fra før, og som vi gleder oss til å få inn på eiersiden. Mowi har utvilsomt mye å bidra med som eier i Torghatten Aqua, og vi ser frem til et tett og godt samarbeid med dem, fortsetter Frode Blakstad.
Her er pressemeldingen Mowi publiserte torsdag morgen:
Mowi har inngått avtale med Vigner Olaisen AS om kjøp av deres aksjer i Nova Sea AS. Dette vil øke Mowis eierandel i selskapet fra 49% til 95%. Mowi vil deretter fremme et frivillig tilbud til øvrige aksjonærer.
Nova Sea driver med lakseoppdrett i produksjonsområde 8 i Nord-Norge og dekker hele verdikjeden fra stamfisk og smoltproduksjon til slakt og salg. Selskapet forventer å slakte 52 000 tonn laks i 2025. Mowi har vært stor minoritetsaksjonær i Nova Sea siden 1995 og kjenner selskapet godt. Konsernsjef i Mowi, Ivan Vindheim, er imponert over det selskapet og eierne har fått til. Nova Sea er et foregangsselskap i norsk havbruksnæring og er kjent for sine sterke biologiske prestasjoner og industriledende marginer. Selskapet og familien Olaisen har investert i og videreutviklet virksomheten gjennom 50 år til å bli et imponerende, fullintegrert selskap. Det er derfor med stor glede at vi nå etter 30 år slår oss sammen, sier Vindheim. Mowi har i dag en vesentlig virksomhet i Nord-Norge og vil sammen med Nova Sea ha et forventet slaktevolum på 157 000 tonn laks i denne regionen i 2025, samt 367 000 tonn samlet for Norge og 572 000 tonn på verdensbasis.
Sammenslåingen med Nova Sea vil styrke Mowi som globalt og nasjonalt kraftsenter for innovasjon og bærekraft gjennom å utvikle og ta i bruk ny teknologi og kunnskap for å fremme god fiskevelferd, sier Vindheim. Aino Olaisen, styreleder i Nova Sea, sier hun kjenner Mowi som et ledende selskap i havbruksnæringen når det kommer til både drift, innovasjon og ikke minst bærekraft, inkludert fiskevelferd. Dette blir en svært god løsning for selskapet, organisasjonen og hele regionen, sier Olaisen. Skaper synergier og stordriftsfordeler
Konsernsjef i Mowi, Ivan Vindheim, mener at Mowi og Nova Sea passer svært godt sammen, og sammenslåingen er forventet å resultere i betydelige synergier, som blant annet bedret kapasitetsutnyttelse og lokalitetsportefølje i Region Nord. Foreløpig estimat beløper seg til 400 millioner kroner på årsbasis. Vi styrker med dette vår tilstedeværelse i et av verdens beste områder å drive oppdrett av atlantisk laks. I tillegg vil sammenslåingen bedre våre biologiske prestasjoner og biosikkerhet i denne regionen, sier Vindheim.
Aino Olaisen ser frem til sammenslåingen og tror det vil skape ytterligere bærekraftig vekst i Nord-Norge. Verdiskaping og samfunnsbygging langs kysten og særlig i Nord-Norge er svært viktig for oss. Jeg er sikker på at dette vil skape enda mer verdier og flere arbeidsplasser i Nordland over tid, sier hun. Nord-Norge har lenge vært sentral også i Mowis vekststrategi, og det er ikke tilfeldig at selskapet nå vokser betydelig akkurat her. Dette er en strategisk viktig transaksjon for Mowi som vil være en katalysator for bærekraftig vekst i Nord-Norge. Vi skal vokse videre igjennom verdikjeden og kommer til å satse enda mer på Nord-Norge fremover og skape flere arbeidsplasser og stadig mer aktivitet, slår Vindheim fast.
Aksjene kjøpes for 7,4 milliarder kroner Mowi kjøper aksjene til Vigner Olaisen i Nova Sea for 7,4 milliarder kroner gjennom 30% oppgjør i Mowi-aksjer og 70% i kontanter. Transaksjonen verdsetter egenkapitalen i Nova Sea til 16 milliarder kroner. Mowi vil fremme et frivillig kontanttilbud på tilsvarende betingelser til aksjonærene som eier resterende 5% av Nova Sea. Transaksjonen er betinget av konkurransegodkjenning, og Mowi forventer at den gjennomføres en gang i løpet av andre halvår 2025. |
http://www.torghattenaqua.no |
Golar LNG Limited Q4 2024 results presentation | Company news | 2025-01-28 15:40:02 |
Golar LNG's 4th Quarter 2024 results will be released before the NASDAQ opens on Thursday, February 27, 2025. In connection with this a webcast presentation will be held at 1:00 P.M (London Time) on Thursday February 27, 2025. The presentation will be available to download from the Investor Relations section at www.golarlng.com We recommend that participants join the conference call via the listen-only live webcast link provided. Sell-side analysts interested in raising a question during the Q&A session that will immediately follow the presentation should access the event via the conference call by clicking on this link. We recommend connecting 10 minutes prior to the call start. Information on how to ask questions will be given at the beginning of the Q&A session. There will be a limit of two questions per participant. a. Listen-only live webcast link Go to the Investors, Results Centre section at www.golarlng.com and click on the link to "Webcast". To listen to the conference call from the web, you need to have a sound card on your computer, but no special plug ins are required to access the webcast. There is a Help link available on the webcast pages for anyone who may have issues accessing. b. Teleconference Conference call participants should register to obtain their dial in and passcode details. This process eliminates wait times when joining the call. When you log in, you can either dial in using the provided numbers and your unique PIN, or select the Call me option and type in your phone number to be instantly connected to the call. Use the following link to register. Please download the presentation material from www.golarlng.com (Investors, Results Centre) to view it while listening to the conference. If you are not able to listen at the time of the call, you can assess a replay of the event audio for a limited time on www.golarlng.com (Investors, Results Centre). This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to Section 5-12 the Norwegian Securities Trading Act
Sale of Shareholding in Avenir LNG Limited | Company news | 2025-01-27 22:40:02 |
Golar LNG Limited (Golar) has entered into a share purchase agreement for the sale of all its shares in Avenir LNG Limited ("Avenir LNG" or Avenir) to Stolt-Nielsen Gas Ltd. for a total consideration of approximately USD 40 million (the "Transaction"). The Transaction is expected to be completed during the first quarter of 2025, subject to fulfilment of the conditions under the share purchase agreement. Golar will remain a 25% shareholder and debt provider to Higas Srl, the HIGAS LNG storage terminal in Sardinia, (HIGAS) that was spun off from Avenir LNG in October 2024. As of end October 2024, the book value of HIGAS was USD 40.5 million (on a 100% basis), of which $24.7m was shareholder loans and $15.8m shareholders equity. Golar CEO Karl-Fredrik Staubo commented: The sale of Golars shareholding in Avenir LNG is in line with our strategy to focus on expanding our market leading FLNG position. Golar is proud to have founded Avenir LNG into one of the largest small-scale LNG shipping companies globally alongside our partners Stolt Nielsen and Höegh. Following the sale of Hygo Energy Transition Ltd. in 2021, our Avenir LNG investment was no longer deemed a core asset of Golars portfolio. We wish the Avenir LNG team and Stolt-Nielsen all the best for the future development of Avenir. FORWARD LOOKING STATEMENTS This press release contains forward-looking statements (as defined in Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended) which reflect managements current expectations, estimates and projections about its operations. All statements, other than statements of historical facts, that address activities and events that will, should, could or may occur in the future are forward-looking statements. Words such as may, could, should, would, expect, plan, anticipate, intend, forecast, believe, estimate, predict, propose, potential, continue, subject to or the negative of these terms and similar expressions are intended to identify such forward-looking statements. These statements are not guarantees of future performance and are subject to certain risks, uncertainties and other factors, some of which are beyond our control and are difficult to predict. Therefore, actual outcomes and results may differ materially from what is expressed or forecasted in such forward-looking statements. You should not place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date of this press release. Golar LNG Limited undertakes no obligation to update publicly any forward-looking statements whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, unless required by applicable law. Hamilton, Bermuda January 27, 2025 Investor Questions: +44 207 063 7900 Karl Fredrik Staubo - CEO Eduardo Maranhão - CFO Stuart Buchanan - Head of Investor Relations This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to Section 5-12 the Norwegian Securities Trading Act
Stolt-Nielsen to Purchase Shareholding in Avenir LNG Limited | Company news | 2025-01-27 22:40:02 |
London, 27 January 2025 Stolt-Nielsen Limited (Oslo Børs: SNI), through its subsidiary Stolt-Nielsen Gas Ltd., has today announced that it has entered into a share purchase agreement to acquire all the shares of Avenir LNG Limited (Avenir LNG) owned by Golar LNG Limited and Aequitas Limited (the Transaction). The Transaction is expected to be completed during the first quarter of 2025 (subject to fulfilment of the conditions to closing under the share purchase agreement). Upon completion, Stolt-Nielsen Gas Ltd. will control approximately 94.37% of the outstanding shares and votes in Avenir LNG. Avenir LNG is an industry leader in small-scale liquefied natural gas (LNG) supply and is focused on supporting the marine energy transition through one of the largest fleets of small-scale LNG vessels. Avenir LNG owns and operates a fleet of five modern small-scale LNG bunkering vessels, with two newbuildings under construction. Commenting on the transaction, Udo Lange, CEO, Stolt-Nielsen Limited said: I am very pleased to announce this increased investment in Avenir LNG. This strategic move not only strengthens our position in the LNG sector but also underscores our commitment to pursuing more sustainable energy solutions for the maritime, industrial, and power generation markets. I am excited about the possibilities ahead and confident that this partnership will propel us into new avenues of growth and impact. Jonathan Quinn, Managing Director Avenir LNG, added: Today marks an exciting new chapter for Avenir LNG as we continue to execute our strategy to become the leading small-scale LNG shipping and trading company. On behalf of the entire team at Avenir LNG, I wish to extend my thanks to the founding shareholders whose support and guidance has been instrumental in positioning Avenir LNG at the forefront of the marine energy transition since we launched in October 2018. With the increased support from Stolt-Nielsen Limited, Avenir LNG is well positioned to act dynamically as we pursue our growth strategy in this burgeoning market. Subject to completion of the Transaction, Stolt-Nielsen Gas Ltd. intends to offer to buy the shares of all remaining shareholders in Avenir LNG. Further information about the offer (if launched) will be published on Avenir LNG's ticker AVENIR on Euronext NOTC. DNB Markets, a part of DNB Bank ASA, is acting as financial advisor to Stolt-Nielsen Limited. This information is considered to be inside information pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation (MAR) and is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to MAR article 17 and Section 5-12 the Norwegian Securities Trading Act. This stock exchange announcement was published by Avenir LNG Limited, at the date and time as set out above.
CASTOR: Castor Maritime Inc. Announces the Completion of the Sale of the M/V Ariana A | Company news | 2025-01-23 15:14:07 |
Castor Maritime Inc. Announces the Completion of the Sale of the M/V Ariana A
Limassol, Cyprus, January 23, 2025 Castor Maritime Inc. (NASDAQ: CTRM), (Castor or the Company), a diversified global shipping and energy company, announces that on January 22, 2025, it completed the previously announced sale of the M/V Ariana A, a 2005-built 2,700 TEU containership vessel, for a price of $16.5 million by delivering the vessel to its new owner.
The Company expects to record during the first quarter of 2025 a net loss of approximately $3.3 million from the sale of the M/V Ariana A, excluding any transaction-related costs.
About Castor Maritime Inc.
Castor Maritime Inc. is a diversified global shipping and energy company, with activities directly and indirectly in investment and asset management, vessel ownership, technical and commercial ship management and energy infrastructure projects.
Castor owns a fleet of 12 vessels, with an aggregate capacity of 0.8 million dwt including the M/V Gabriela A that the Company agreed to sell on December 4, 2024. Castor is also the majority shareholder of the Frankfurt-listed investment and asset manager MPC Münchmeyer Petersen Capital AG.
For more information, please visit the Companys website at www.castormaritime.com. Information on our website does not constitute a part of this press release.
Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward-Looking Statements
Matters discussed in this press release may constitute forward-looking statements. We intend such forward-looking statements to be covered by the safe harbor provisions for forward-looking statements contained in Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the Securities Act) and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the Exchange Act). Forward-looking statements include statements concerning plans, objectives, goals, strategies, future events or performance, and underlying assumptions and other statements, which are other than statements of historical facts. We are including this cautionary statement in connection with this safe harbor legislation. The words believe, anticipate, intend, estimate, forecast, project, plan, potential, will, may, should, expect, pending and similar expressions identify forward-looking statements. The forward-looking statements in this press release are based upon various assumptions, many of which are based, in turn, upon further assumptions, including without limitation, our managements examination of current or historical operating trends, data contained in our records and other data available from third parties. Although we believe that these assumptions were reasonable when made, because these assumptions are inherently subject to significant uncertainties and contingencies which are difficult or impossible to predict and are beyond our control, we cannot assure you that we will achieve or accomplish these forward-looking statements, including these expectations, beliefs or projections. In addition to these important factors, other important factors that, in our view, could cause actual results to differ materially from those discussed in the forward‐looking statements include generally: the effects of the spin-off of our tanker business, our business strategy, expected capital spending and other plans and objectives for future operations, dry bulk and containership market conditions and trends, including volatility in charter rates (particularly for vessels employed in short-term time charters or index linked period time charters), factors affecting supply and demand, fluctuating vessel values, opportunities for the profitable operations of dry bulk and container vessels and the strength of world economies, changes in the size and composition of our fleet, our ability to realize the expected benefits from our past or future vessel acquisitions, our ability to realize the expected benefits of vessel acquisitions, increased transactions costs and other adverse effects (such as lost profit) due to any failure to consummate any sale of our vessels, our relationships with our current and future service providers and customers, including the ongoing performance of their obligations, dependence on their expertise, compliance with applicable laws, and any impacts on our reputation due to our association with them, our ability to borrow under existing or future debt agreements or to refinance our debt on favorable terms and our ability to comply with the covenants contained therein, in particular due to economic, financial or operational reasons, our continued ability to enter into time or voyage charters with existing and new customers and to re-charter our vessels upon the expiry of the existing charters, changes in our operating and capitalized expenses, including bunker prices, dry-docking, insurance costs, costs associated with regulatory compliance, and costs associated with climate change, our ability to fund future capital expenditures and investments in the acquisition and refurbishment of our vessels (including the amount and nature thereof and the timing of completion thereof, the delivery and commencement of operations dates, expected downtime and lost revenue), instances of off-hire, due to vessel upgrades and repairs, fluctuations in interest rates and currencies, including the value of the U.S. dollar relative to other currencies, any malfunction or disruption of information technology systems and networks that our operations rely on or any impact of a possible cybersecurity breach, existing or future disputes, proceedings or litigation, future sales of our securities in the public market and our ability to maintain compliance with applicable listing standards, volatility in our share price, including due to high volume transactions in our shares by retail investors, potential conflicts of interest involving affiliated entities and/or members of our board of directors, senior management and certain of our service providers that are related parties, general domestic and international political conditions or events, including armed conflicts such as the war in Ukraine and the conflict in the Middle East, acts of piracy or maritime aggression, such as recent maritime incidents involving vessels in and around the Red Sea, sanctions, trade wars, global public health threats and major outbreaks of disease, changes in seaborne and other transportation, including due to the maritime incidents in and around the Red Sea, fluctuating demand for dry bulk and container vessels and/or disruption of shipping routes due to accidents, political events, international sanctions, international hostilities and instability, piracy or acts of terrorism, changes in governmental rules and regulations or actions taken by regulatory authorities, including changes to environmental regulations applicable to the shipping industry, accidents, the impact of adverse weather and natural disasters and any other factors described in our filings with the SEC. The information set forth herein speaks only as of the date hereof, and we disclaim any intention or obligation to update any forward looking statements as a result of developments occurring after the date of this communication, except to the extent required by applicable law. New factors emerge from time to time, and it is not possible for us to predict all or any of these factors. Further, we cannot assess the impact of each such factor on our business or the extent to which any factor, or combination of factors, may cause actual results to be materially different from those contained in any forward-looking statement. Please see our filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission for a more complete discussion of these foregoing and other risks and uncertainties. These factors and the other risk factors described in this press release are not necessarily all of the important factors that could cause actual results or developments to differ materially from those expressed in any of our forward-looking statements. Given these uncertainties, investors are cautioned not to place undue reliance on such forward-looking statements.
For further information please contact:
Petros Panagiotidis Castor Maritime Inc. Email: ir@castormaritime.com
Media Contact: Kevin Karlis Capital Link Email: castormaritime@capitallink.com |
http://castormaritime.com |
FLNG Gimi Received First Gas From the GTA Field | Company news | 2025-01-21 14:00:02 |
Golar LNG Limited (Golar) is pleased to announce that on January 18, 2025, FLNG Gimi received feed gas from the bp operated FPSO on the Greater Tortue Ahmeyim (GTA) project offshore Mauritania and Senegal. Full commissioning of the FLNG has now commenced. Prior to achieving this key milestone, gas from the LNG carrier British Sponsor was being used to undertake advanced commissioning work. Receipt of gas from the FPSO allows the full commissioning activity to ramp up. The first LNG export cargo is now expected within Q1 2025, and full Commercial Operations Date (COD) is expected within Q2 2025, subject to all conditions being met. First gas to the FLNG will result in the final upward adjustment to the Commissioning Rate under the commercial reset agreed in August 2024. COD will trigger the start of the 20-year Lease and Operate Agreement that unlocks the equivalent of around $3 billion of Adjusted EBITDA Backlog (Golar's share) and recognition of contractual payments comprised of capital and operating elements in both the balance sheet and income statement. FORWARD LOOKING STATEMENTS This press release contains forward-looking statements (as defined in Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended) which reflect managements current expectations, estimates and projections about its operations. All statements, other than statements of historical facts, that address activities and events that will, should, could or may occur in the future are forward-looking statements. Words such as may, could, should, would, expect, plan, anticipate, intend, forecast, believe, estimate, predict, propose, potential, continue, subject to or the negative of these terms and similar expressions are intended to identify such forward-looking statements. These statements are not guarantees of future performance and are subject to certain risks, uncertainties and other factors, some of which are beyond our control and are difficult to predict. Therefore, actual outcomes and results may differ materially from what is expressed or forecasted in such forward-looking statements. You should not place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date of this press release. Golar LNG Limited undertakes no obligation to update publicly any forward-looking statements whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, unless required by applicable law. Hamilton, Bermuda January 21, 2025 Investor Questions: +44 207 063 7900 Karl Fredrik Staubo - CEO Eduardo Maranhão - CFO Stuart Buchanan - Head of Investor Relations This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to Section 5-12 the Norwegian Securities Trading Act
Fjerning av aksje: Pioneer Marine Inc (PNRM) | Corporate actions | 2025-01-20 16:39:06 |
Pioneer Marine Inc (ISIN:MHY698351092, ticker PNRM) er fjernet fra handelsstøttesystemet |
INPEX Idemitsu signs up for Glex Energy portfolio platform | Company news | 2025-01-20 09:06:27 |
Glex AS is pleased to announce a new customer for its Glex Energy portfolio platform.
INPEX Idemitsu Norge AS, a subsidiary of the global INPEX Corporation, joins the family of Glex customers, deploying the platform for its exploration and business development teams working on the Norwegian Continental Shelf. The contract is for a one-year subscription with annual renewal.
Im excited to welcome INPEX Idemitsu on board as a customer says Glex CEO, Andrew McCann. They have a strong, forward-looking team who Im sure will benefit from the use of our platform as well as providing us with valuable feedback on their needs. We look forward to working closely with them.
Glexs mission is to give energy companies quick, easy, integrated access to relevant data and information from a growing number of sources. Increasing the availability of key, up-to-date information is a significant contributor to efficiency and quality gains across E&P organisations. Combining and contextualising company data with public data and third-party information (e.g. from Wittemann E&P Consulting), Glex Energy stimulates deeper insight in an easy-to-understand user interface.
"For Glex, this contract is a strong recognition of our technology and services from a best-in-class player in the industry, providing an important confirmation that our solutions provide significant value to customers ", concludes CTO, Jørgen Engen Napstad.
About Glex: Glex AS is a software company that develops advanced integration, visualisation, analysis and collaboration tools for E&P companies. Our SaaS Glex Energy® has been in development since 2017. The team combines industry professionals with extensive experience and unique domain expertise, with data-science experts and software developers with a background in the gaming and visualization industry.
About INPEX Idemitsu Norge:
INPEX Idemitsu Norge (IIN) is a subsidiary of the INPEX Corporation, Japan's leading energy company involved in projects across multiple continents, including the Ichthys LNG project in Australia (as Operator).
IIN entered the Norwegian Continental Shelf (NCS) in 1989 by acquiring a stake in the Snorre field. Their office is located in Lysaker, and they currently employ around 80 highly skilled and experienced professionals.
Contact: Enquiries: andrew.mccann@glex.no Andrew McCann +47 415 07 726 |
http://www.glex.no |
GIGNO: Update on Partnership with Primero | Company news | 2025-01-20 08:01:30 |
GiG Software Plc (GiG or the Company)
Update on Partnership with Primero
GiGs SweepX solution goes live in the US for the first time with leading sweepstakes operator
GiG Software Plc (First North: GiG SDB), a leading B2B iGaming technology company, is pleased to announce that its social sweepstakes casino platform, SweepX, has now been successfully launched in the US as part of the Companys long-term partnership with Primero Games LLC (Primero), a major American land-based sweepstakes operator.
The launch of GiGs SweepX solution in the US represents a significant achievement for the Company and aligns with its strategy to partner with major operators in regulated markets.
As announced on 30 May 2024, GiG has provided Primero with the digital infrastructure to enable its entry into the online sweepstakes casino market for the first time. Through SweepX, GiG will provide Primero with access to a comprehensive product and services ecosystem comprising its premium iGaming platform technology alongside a dual-wallet system, prize-redemption management, a bespoke sweepstake back-office, AI-assisted gamification layer, and one of the most extensive sweepstakes casino content libraries available.
The sweepstakes gaming sector saw tremendous growth in 2024 and continues to rise, with the market valued at $5.6 billion. Projections estimate the sector will grow at a +43% CAGR, reaching $11.4 billion by 2025, according to E&K data.
Richard Carter, Chief Executive Officer of GiG, said:
The launch of SweepX with Primero, a prominent land-based sweepstakes operator in the US, marks an important strategic step forward for GiG. Through Primero, we have the opportunity to leverage our technology with an established partner, which we believe may enhance our standing in the growing US market.
The overwhelmingly positive reaction to SweepX has strengthened our belief in its potential to revolutionise the social sweepstakes casino market, further fuelling our ambitious strategic plans for growth.
Barry Rutherford, Chief Executive Officer at Primero, added:
Were delighted to launch our online sweepstakes offering in the US, powered by our trusted partner GiGs premium SweepX technology. This well-timed launch leaves us nicely placed to capture a greater share of the rapidly expanding online US sweepstakes market as we aim to grow and diversify our online gambling offering in the geography.
For further information, please contact:
GiG Software PLC Richard Carter, Chief Executive Officer Phil Richards, Chief Financial Officer via Vigo Consulting / ir@gig.com
Vigo Consulting (Investor Relations) Jeremy Garcia / Kendall Hill / Peter Jacob GiG@vigoconsulting.com Tel: +44 (0) 20 7390 0230
About GiG Software Plc
GiG Software is a leading B2B iGaming technology company that provides premium solutions, products, and services to iGaming operators worldwide, fully compliant with regulatory requirements. GiGs proprietary technology empowers our partners by delivering dynamic, data-driven, and scalable iGaming solutions that drive user engagement, optimise performance, and propel sustainable growth in the ever-evolving digital landscape. GiGs vision is to be the pioneering force in the iGaming industry, transforming digital gaming experiences through innovation and technology that inspire and engage players worldwide.
GiG operates out of Malta and is listed on the Nasdaq First North Premier Growth Market in Stockholm, Sweden, under the ticker GiG SDB.
Find out more at www.gig.com.
Follow us on social media:
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/gig-gaming-innovation-group/ X: https://twitter.com/GIG_online/
About Primero Games LLC
Founded in 2009, Primero Games specialises in developing innovative casino software and equipment for the gaming industry, with over 50,000 sweepstakes machines across the US, and also own Storm Games ltd, a UK retail operator and content studio. |
https://www.gig.com/ GiG - Primero Partnership_vFinal.pdf |
Torghatten Aqua: Jobber med nye løsninger for landbasert anlegg | Company news | 2025-01-17 08:36:20 |
Helgeland Miljøfisk er i gang med å finne nye løsninger som Mattilsynet kan godta, etter å ha fått nei på søknad om nytt landbasert anlegg i Brønnøysund.
Onsdag varslet Mattilsynet at de avslår søknaden fra Helgeland Miljøfisk om å etablere et landbasert anlegg for oppdrett av settefisk og matfisk av laks og ørret, på Toftøya i Brønnøy kommune. Helgeland Miljøfisk har planer om å produsere inntil 40.000 tonn fisk i året på anlegget, som ferdig utbygd kan bidra til å skape mellom 100 og 300 arbeidsplasser. - Vi vil klage på vedtaket, og planene vi har lagt for utbygginga på Toftøya står fast. Arbeidet med å løse de utfordringene som Mattilsynet har påpekt, er alt i gang, og vi har stor tro på å finne løsninger som gjør at Mattilsynet godkjenner anlegget. Målet vårt er fortsatt å komme i gang med bygginga i år, som planlagt, sier administrerende direktør Sten Roald Lorentzen i Helgeland Miljøfisk.
Ny behandling Han innrømmer at han hadde forventet grønt lys, men er samtidig klar på at det Mattilsynet har bygd avslaget på, er forhold som kan svares ut og løses på en måte som Mattilsynet skal kunne godkjenne. - Det er over fire år siden vi sendte den formelle søknaden. Mattilsynet har hatt den til behandling i to år og ti måneder. Vi trodde derfor alle spørsmålene var svart ut, og ble overrasket over at vi fikk avslag. Uansett: Dette er ting vi vil, og skal, løse, sier Lorentzen. Det er andre gang Mattilsynet avslår Helgeland Miljøfisks søknad. 30. april 2024 opphevet Mattilsynets klagesaksenhet avslaget, og sendte det til Mattilsynet region Nord for ny behandling. Avslaget nå er utfallet av denne behandlingen.
Nye krav -Forholdene som lå til grunn for det først avslaget, har vi endret, og de er nå godkjent. Mattilsynet begrunner denne gangen avslaget med at det ikke er gjort nok for å hindre smitte inn til anlegget, eller nok for å hindre smitte mellom kar og avdelinger. Alt dette er løsbart, sier Lorentzen. Helgeland Miljøfisk venter i disse dager også på svar på søknaden om etablering av anlegget på Toftøya, fra Statsforvalteren i Nordland. For at selskapet skal få ja konsesjon må både Mattilsynet og Statsforvalteren gi grønt lys. - Dit skal vi, sier administrerende direktør Sten Roald Lorentzen i Helgeland Miljøfisk.
Helgeland Miljøfisk er eid av Aquaculture Innovation, som igjen er eid av Torghatten Aqua. Selskapene har hovedkontor på Toft i Brønnøysund. Klagefristen på Mattilsynets vedtak er tre uker.
Kontaktinformasjon: Administrerende direktør i Helgeland Miljøfisk og Aquaculture Innovation: Sten Roald Lorentzen.sten.lorentzen@aquacultureinnovation.no Tlf.: 911 99 321. Direktør for investorkontakt og kommunikasjon i Torghatten Aqua: Stig Tore Laugen, stig.tore.laugen@torghattenaqua.no Tlf.: 916 00 217. |
http://www.torghattenaqua.no |
http://www.aquacultureinnovation.no |