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Daily quotes information

Quotes are updated every trading day at 16.30. Company news updated every second minute.

Quotes, 26/07 2024 16:31:02

Ticker Name Last Change Bid Ask Volume Last traded Number of stocks Market cap News Today
00N 00NATION AS 1,15 7,00 09/07-24 11.282.666 12.975.066 Show Show
APRILA Aprila Bank ASA 6,75 0,00 6,50 6,70 24.110 14:24 72.650.539 490.391.138 Show Show
AVENIR Avenir LNG Limited 8,00 10/04-24 182.000.000 1.456.000.000 Show Show
BUDS ABBH AS 0,37 0,37 0,41 25/07-24 7.868.905 2.911.495 Show Show
BULK GoodBulk Ltd 0,73 160,00 09/04-24 27.050.262 19.746.691 Show Show
CASTOR Castor Maritime Inc 44,00 06/02-19 94.610.088 4.162.843.872 Show (New!) Show
CNANO CrayoNano AS 7,00 3,50 7,44 24/07-24 37.524.496 262.671.472 Show Show
COND CondAlign AS 5,00 5,00 18/07-24 13.620.780 68.103.900 Show (New!) Show
DOFI DOF Installer ASA 4,00 3,30 17/07-23 33.931.000 135.724.000 Show Show
DWELLOP Dwellop AS 100,00 50,00 0,00 28/06-24 412.663 41.266.300 Show Show
EISP Eiendomsspar AS 410,00 405,00 420,00 25/07-24 33.880.361 13.890.948.010 Show Show
EPTL-FF Empire Product Tankers Limited 500 0 Show Show
ETMA Etman International ASA 3,00 3,50 15/07-24 24.364.218 73.092.654 Show Show
GLEX Glex AS 5,20 4,50 5,40 05/07-24 7.682.971 39.951.449 Show Show
GOL Golar LNG Limited 350,00 340,00 15/07-24 80.298.752 28.104.563.200 Show Show
GTH Green Transition Holding AS 35,00 35,00 21/06-24 16.815.831 588.554.085 Show Show
HITV HitecVision AS 220,00 190,00 210,00 25/07-24 18.967.318 4.172.809.960 Show Show
HVAL Hval Sjokoladefabrikk ASA 2,90 1,80 2,80 24/07-24 27.000.000 78.300.000 Show Show
INSR Insr ASA 0,23 0,23 0,28 25/07-24 362.112.979 83.285.985 Show Show
IOTA Independent Oil & Resources Plc 1,25 1,00 01/03-24 95.833.630 119.792.038 Show Show
JACK Jacktel AS 2,80 2,40 2,80 23/07-24 196.114.666 549.121.065 Show Show
JENGA JengaX AS 40,00 18/09-23 9.287.580 371.503.200 Show Show
LION Lionero AS 0,10 0,10 17/07-24 116.700.880 11.670.088 Show Show
LUMA Lumarine AS 0,20 2,80 26/05-23 148.132.417 29.626.483 Show Show
MENTOR Mentor Medier AS 14,00 13,50 18,00 11/06-24 5.435.779 76.100.906 Show Show
MMBANK Maritime & Merchant Bank ASA 14,50 0,75 11,80 13,75 50 16:12 81.700.480 1.184.656.960 Show Show
MYBANK MyBank ASA 7,50 14,00 25/07-24 10.034.843 75.261.322 Show Show
NCR GFjord Invest AS 0,20 07/03-23 150.559.713 30.111.943 Show Show
NHST NHST Holding AS 32,00 11,00 21/02-24 1.604.250 51.336.000 Show Show
NOPA-FF Norpalm AS 0,65 0,65 08/05-24 83.748.705 54.436.658 Show Show
NORD Norda ASA 41,00 41,40 10/05-24 5.148.803 211.100.923 Show Show
ONOF On & Offshore Holding AS 0,80 0,80 1,00 24/06-24 72.664.523 58.131.618 Show Show
PNO Petrolia NOCO AS 1,30 0,10 1,20 1,90 10.000 16:00 170.000.000 221.000.000 Show Show
PNRM Pioneer Marine Inc 23,00 60,00 06/02-24 25.463.715 585.665.445 Show Show
SOIL Soiltech AS 63,00 55,00 63,00 09/07-24 7.405.430 466.542.090 Show Show
TCCO The Containership Company ASA 0,01 0,01 29/05-24 27.000.000 270.000 Show Show
TORG Torghatten Aqua AS 85,00 65,00 82,00 22/07-24 11.446.456 972.948.760 Show Show
VIEI Victoria Eiendom AS 730,00 735,00 750,00 23/07-24 12.309.821 8.986.169.330 Show Show

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